Improving Communication between Prisons and Visitors
On March 24th 2020, the Government announced the suspension of Prison visits in response to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic.
Since then families and significant others of prisoners have been prevented from physically connecting with their loved ones, at a time when it is most needed.
There is a call from all sides for more transparent, informative, specific and celebratory communications from HMPPS and the Private prisons; from the General public, and of course families and significant others who are terrified and feel disconnected and forgotten about amidst the Covid19 storm. They wish to hear from staff who deserve to be heard.
The New Leaf Initiative C.I.C. undertook this small-scale study in an effort to better support Prisons and Visitors by consulting the community in question. Conducted over six days, the nine-question survey received 248 responses, 215 of which were from visitors and family members with a loved one serving a sentence.
The report below is their voice, their solutions and our offer to support their vision of Improving Prison Communications with Families and Visitors, during Covid-19 and beyond, and to also support those who work within the secure estate who are pushing for things to continue to change for the better, despite obvious difficulties in responding to the current crisis.
Report Improving Communication between Prisons and Visitors Final V1 (1)